Who I am
I am a computer scientist from austria. Namely upper austria in the middle of the triangle of Linz-Wels-Steyr. Most of my world spans around this area. Especially photo shootings and sports. That brings me to the second part of my life. Photography! Not only second part of my life but also a different side of me (and there are many sides of me).
Computer science
Most likely my home, my castle and my destiny. Since there are computers i do program them. After starting out with Basic and C my journey brought me across nearly every programming language that is out there. After all this years i have specialized myself in C++, Java and PHP. But not only at work but at home as well. I like sitting in front of a computer and code some programs and watch the lines of seemingly useless letters start to work together as a whole. It is kind of art in its own way. Against all the “interesting” opinions out there I am not imprisoned in a small room without windows whilst coding. Rather opposite. I like to head out into the nature get carried away by the wind, the waterfall, the birds, … . I have to admit that i do code faster when listening to my favourite music.
My other side. May it be white, may it be dark, time will tell. It is something i really love to do and where i am not that bad at it. Currently i study photography at the “Prager Fotoschule Österreich” which is a real challenge. Nearly no day goes by without me taking pictures. And my camera seems to be grown together with me as you will most likely not see me without one. Photography is passion, photography is art and I like plain photography the most. Meaning shooting in analog. As outdated it may sound, as inspiring it is. You will always have a different view from an analog camera. You think twice before you take a shot and will walk your way around your motive to get the best out of it. Long time i thought this is just such a huge difference to digital because of the costs involved with taking pictures. Shot now, sort them later. Well, it may be one aspect but by far not the most important why analog photography will get you so much further so much faster. Honestly i have no real glue yet but i will pass it on as I find out. Also photography is my retreat from reality. When I am out and shoot i am in a small bubble from within I am looking out. Just being an observer watching the life go on.
Before you are getting it wrong. I do also shoot digital. Most of my pictures which I take are shot with a digital camera. Especially for shootings with people or event shootings. But this is work … you understand where I am heading.
Red Cross
In my spare time I am a paramedic (since 2001). I deliberately wrote “spare time” as most people tend to think of it as a hobby. Which it definitely is not. As soon as you have realised that you know what I mean and what I do. Maybe even know why I do it. As I do not do it as a job I have my own special reasons why I still hang on to this duty. When you ask people who are paramedic in their spare time and have realised the above you can ask them why they do this duty and you will not hear a reason twice. Enough said about this topic I think. Understand what I wrote or just know that I am one of the people in the cars with the red cross on the side and the blue lights on the roof.
Can’t say I am good at it. Can’t say that I am bad at it neither. I just write down thoughts that i have and some people tend to like it. For me it is another side of me. A side that seems to not exist in the real world. This part of me is how i handle things that bother me. I cannot haver about it, it is a very dark side of mine as it mostly handles the things that would drag me down. For example quite some things that happened to me at the red cross I work out over thoughts. (Don’t bother looking, most of those thoughts are not accessible without a user account.) As for the rest …
What is left to say …
All in all i am kinda a hard person to get along with. I am not that good with people. Where photography comes in handy as I like to observe and recognize the world around me. It is all about the small things. I tend to see the things that most people already forgot to look at. At last the small things are what differ. What world would it be when you just walk through life and cannot see the most simple but beautiful things.