We are not the masks we wear.
But if we don them, do we not become them?
– Keops D’ao Tsumai, “Fortunes” CY 9683
verloren im surrealen der Realität. Ertränkt durch das Leben.
We are not the masks we wear.
But if we don them, do we not become them?
– Keops D’ao Tsumai, “Fortunes” CY 9683
Life? Life’s pretty much a
knife-fight in a dirt-floored bar:
And if they get you down,
you best get back up.
Worlds governed by artificial intelligence
often learned a hard lesson: Logic Doesn’t Care.
– YIN-MAN WEI, “This Present Darkness: A History of the Interregnum”, CY 11956
“Requested: One Mark V ECM unit, 1000 km of
Fullerene cable, one low-yield nuclear warhead.”
“Purpose: Surprise party for foreign dignitary.”
– Argosy Special Operations requisition form, C.Y. 9512
With their minuscule families, humans are often
forced to rely on a “state” or a “nation” for support.
They might as well dig their hives in sand.
– Fragment of a Than-thre-kull anthropology text, approx CY 7956
To a god, a wall is but a line on the
page. We are all naked, seen beyond seeing.
– WAYFINDER HASTURI a.k.a. The Mad Perseid, 217 AFC
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Which is a problem.
If you’re powerless.
[“Manifesto” CY 8433]
– Drago Museveni
Here is the price of freedom:
Your every drop of courage,
ounce of pain, pint of blood.
Paid in advance.
– Sebastian Lee, “The Rising Tide” AFC 271
Spiral, spin, ride the whirlwind.
Knowing when the drumming stops,
There’ll be no second dance.
– Ulatempa Poetess, “Rhythms” CY 9825
You can’t outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.
– MAJOR KORGO KORGAR, “Last of The Lancers” — AFC 32
I trust fast poison
The stars to wink out
And you, my love–and you.
– Lyric from “The Void,” by Minstrel d’Becevex CY 9905
Blink and it’s gone.
A moment, a breath,
A Dance of the Mayflies.
Just enough…For a Lifetime.
– ULATEMPA POETESS, “Rhythms” CY 9825